When you send a secure email the recipient will get a notification that they have a secure email rather than the secure email itself. This notification will provide the recipient with instructions on how to access the secure email.
A notification is sent to the recipient with both a Primary and Alternate method of accessing the secure email.
Primary Method
1. Click on the "click on this link" link. This will navigate the recipient to an authentication page on the Identillect website.
2. Once on the authentication page the recipient will be challenged with any Authentication Choices the sender specified when creating the email (such as a password or postal code). Once the recipient has successfully authenticated themselves they can click on the Continue to Email button to continue to the secure email.
Authentication Choices Selected
If however no authentication choices were selected by the sender then the recipient will be allowed to immediately click on the Continue to Email button to continue on to the secure email.
No Authentication Choices Selected
Alternate Method
1. Click on the "ww2.identillect.com/myemail" link at the bottom of the notification email under the title Alternate Method to Access Your Secure Email. This will navigate the recipient to the Read Email page on the Identillect website. This will prompt the user to type in the Security Code that is specified in the notification email. Once you have typed (pasted) in the security code click the Continue button. This will bring you to the Authentication page as specified in the Primary Method where the recipient will be authenticated.
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